EIC Help Line


As the COVID-19 continues its devastation across communities, our hearts go out to those who have been inflicted. The Social Distancing initiative and consequent Lockdowns have left many individuals and families in financial constraints.   

We want to inform you that the EIC community members and volunteers came up with a plan to provide financial support. If you or someone you know requires such assistance, please do one of the following: 

  1. Fill and submit: EIChelpLine Form, or
  2. Send an email to EIChelpLine2020@gmail.com, or
  3. Call at (408) 800-2922 for further information.

Rest assured; their identity will be kept strictly confidential. 

If you would like to participate in this effort, please donate as Sadaqah via online.

May Allah (swt) remove this calamity and make it easy for all those who are suffering in these difficult times. Ameen!